Handshake Developers
Open an issue, participate in code reviews, and build a tool for the network. The new internet depends on us.
Getting started with Handshake
- Handshake Org - github.com/handshake-org
- HSD (NodeJs)- github.com/handshake-org/hsd
- HNSD (C)- github.com/handshake-org/hnsd
- RSD (Rust)- github.com/UrkelLabs/rsd
Handshake Whitepaper
The Handshake whitepaper is a technical document explaining rationale and initial design of the protocol
- Original Whitepaper - handshake.org/files/handshake.txt
- Annotated Whitepaper - namebase.io/handshake-whitepaper
Developer Roadmap
There is no official developer roadmap that has been published however here are a few helpful resources for what still needs to be built and where you can contribute
- HSD Issues - github.com/handshake-org/hsd/issues
- HNSD Issues - github.com/handshake-org/hnsd/issues
- RSD Issues - github.com/UrkelLabs/rsd/issues
- Handshake Hackathon Projects - gist.github.com/tynes/6e94596455a6b72d6630df1b9bd944a9
- 2020Funding.md - gist.github.com/pinheadmz/aff5477a876563ea5280fec339ea0a6a